Radiologic Technology

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Radiologic Technology Program

一个令人兴奋的职业和教育等待着你在网赌正规真人实体在线平台(网赌正规真人实体在线平台)放射学 Technology program. The gateway to a rewarding career in the Imaging Sciences, the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台的放射技术项目提供了一个为期两年的教学项目 准备学生参加放射技师国家委员会考试和执照.  

放射技术人员直接与病人和医生一起工作 诊断x射线程序,包括拍摄x射线曝光,图像和胶片 processing, operating many types of technological equipment, and radiation safety. 放射技师也提供专业的处理和护理病人. 该计划需要一系列与放射科学直接相关的学分课程.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台提供放射技术应用科学副学士学位. 该计划包括课堂教学,学生练习定位的实验室 以及放射技术技能和高达1800小时的当地实践培训 healthcare facilities. Upon successful completion of the degree, students are eligible 参加美国放射技师注册(ARRT)认证 通过考试,毕业生可获得国家认可的毕业证书 credentials.

鼓励所有对放射技术项目感兴趣的学生参加 a free one-hour information session. A counselor or program representative will describe 该计划,先决条件,申请过程,并将回答问题 afterwards.


To view upcoming information sessions and register, please check our events calendar.

放射学技术项目的申请程序将于2011年1月开始 each year for a summer quarter program start.  Please see the Application Process 有关课程要求和先决条件的信息 courses. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of 2.0 or better for the application to be considered for the program.

This program application will be posted each year on the Application Process tab. 


Application Process

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Radiologic Technology Program

2024年放射技术项目的申请程序现已关闭.  申请该项目的下一个机会将于2025年1月开始,为期一个夏季 quarter start, end of June 2025.

*** Please be advised for the application process for 2025 and 2026 the TEAS test will not be a requirement for the application. All prerequisite courses will be a part of the Admission Index score.

  • 必须有高中文凭或普通教育文凭,并且在课程开始时年满18岁
  • English (ENGL& 101 or ENGL& 102 or ENGL& 235)
  • Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL& 241)
  • Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL& 242)
  • Mathematics (MATH& 107 or MATH& 146 or MATH& 141 or above)
  • Communication Studies (CMST& 101, 210 or 220, or CMST 260)
  • General Psychology (PSYC& 100)
  • Medical Terminology (HSCI 147)

    Each prerequisite course must be passed with a minimum grade of a 2.0 or better for students to be considered for the program. Winter quarter is the cut off for completion of a prerequisite course for the application each year.

The application process for the Radiologic Technology program has now closed. The next opportunity to apply will be January 2025.

Applicants are admitted to the program by utilizing an Admission Index Score. The 入学指数得分包括完成所需的先决条件和一个小数 grade of 2.0 or better for each prerequisite. Applicants with the highest index scores will be accepted into the program. Admission into the program is limited and completion of entrance requirements does not ensure admission into the program. Classes begin summer quarter.

  1. Attend an information session (highly recommended; no reservation necessary).
  2. Apply for Admission to Columbia Basin College
  3. 与辅导员预约,制定一份完成先决条件的教育计划 so it coincides with your intended application date.
  4. Achieve a grade of 2.0 or better in each prerequisite course.
  5. Request official transcripts from all colleges attended to be sent to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Records (你的正式成绩单不会被评估,除非你有当前的网赌正规真人实体在线平台申请 on file).

成功完成网赌正规真人实体在线平台网赌正规真人实体在线平台课程的学生将获得 one additional point to their initial Admissions Index Score. Below are examples of 网赌正规真人实体在线平台网赌正规真人实体在线平台项目,成功后将有资格获得额外的分数 completion:

  • Nursing Assistant or EMT (one quarter programs)
  • Phlebotomy or Healthcare Central Service (two quarter programs)
  • Medical Assistant or Surgical Technology (one year programs)
  • Spanish Medical Interpreting
  • Veterans of the United States Armed Forces
    获得光荣退伍的学生,凭他们的 成绩为DD-214的考生,其入学成绩将被考虑为一分 the program.

    ***从2023年RadTech申请流程开始,以获得额外的分数 成功完成网赌正规真人实体在线平台证书或学位课程的学生 must also have current certification or license.

申请认证为诊断放射技师的个人必须 meet one of the following qualifications:
•毕业于联合审查委员会认可的放射学课程 on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT),

•在美国注册中心注册为诊断放射技术专家 of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), OR

•卫生部指定的替代培训(见替代培训要求) at - 

Washington State Department of Health

Each state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. protectorates vary in what professions they require to be licensed and the educational requirements for those licenses. It’s 重要的是要了解你从网赌正规真人实体在线平台获得的学位或证书是否会 满足所在州对执照的教育资格要求 you plan to practice.

View educational licensure requirements by state.



National Background Search & Drug Screen Requirements

作为网赌正规真人实体在线平台课程入学要求的一部分,申请人必须 在工作前成功通过犯罪背景调查和毒品筛查 patients in clinical areas. The background check and drug screen are paid by the student and administered through a third party company, CastleBranch. 除了网赌正规真人实体在线平台要求的背景调查外,每个临床设施都保留 有权在允许学生入学前进行自己的犯罪背景调查 to enter its health care facilities for clinical participation.

某些刑事定罪,未决指控或负面行为可能自动 取消一个人在无人监督的情况下接触脆弱的成年人,青少年的资格 and children. Clinical facilities reserve the right to accept or decline a student’s placement in its facility.     

Program Outcomes

1. 学生将成为安全、能干、专业的入门级放射技师 and will:
a. 确定曝光因子,以获得诊断质量的x线照片,同时保护 themselves, their patients and others.
b. 能够适应不同的病人条件,设备,配件的暴露因素 and contrast media to maintain appropriate radiographic quality.
c. 能够操作射线成像设备,处理射线照片,并进行评估 radiographic images for appropriate positioning and image quality.
d. 认识病人的紧急情况,并开始急救和基本的生命支持 procedures.

2. 学生将在不同的文化背景下展示有效的沟通技巧 diverse population and will:
a. 向会员展示专业沟通(口头和书面)的能力 of the health care team, the public and their peers.
b. Provide education to patients before, during and after any radiologic exam.

3. 学生将运用批判性思维和解决问题的能力 of practice in all settings and will:
a. 对放射科的技术表现进行独立判断和判断 technology procedure.
b. Demonstrate their knowledge relating to quality assurance.
c. 修改标准程序以适应患者病情和其他变量.
d. 利用适当的原则,预期并提供基本的护理和舒适 body mechanics, positioning and knowledge of human structure and function.

4. Students will demonstrate professional and ethical behavior and will:
a. Dress according to professional standards of the program.
b. Use profession-appropriate medical language when communicating with co-workers and the health care team.
c. Adhere to all HIPAA and patient confidentiality regulations,
d. Perform all duties safely and effectively and within the scope of practice,
e. Following attendance and participation guidelines,

5. Students will graduate and be prepared for the workforce and will have gainful 在当地医疗保健社区担任放射技师 by:
a. 80% of students entering the program will successfully complete the program.
b. 100% will successfully complete the national registry exam and become Radiologic Technologist.
c. 80% employment rates within 6 months of graduation.

Radiologic Technologist: (Primary Pathway)

  • Radiologic Technologist R.T.(R)

Advanced Certifications: (Post Primary Pathway)

  • Registered Radiology Assistant R.T.(R)(R.A)
  • Vascular Interventional Radiography R.T.(R)(VI)
  • Cardiac Interventional Radiography R.T.(R)(CI)
  • Bone Densitometry R.T.(R)(BD)
  • Computed Tomography R.T.(R)(CT)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging R.T.(R)(MR)
  • Mammography R.T.(R)(M)



Students walking around 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Pasco campus